

  • Total activity 175
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Votes on activity by Hoda Sort by votes Recent activity Votes
  • Alignment in Speedernet Sphere

    Do you want to align several elements of your scene on a precise axis? Speedernet Sphere provides you with a feature that allows you to easily align several elements. The alignment is done in three...

  • Interface

    You can edit the interface preferences for the Speedernet Sphere tool. To access it, first click the  icon in the upper left corner to display the menu. Then click "Preferences" in the "File" tab....

  • Select the viewpoint

    In each scene, it is possible to edit the "Viewpoint" of the user. The "Viewpoint" allows you to define the user's axis of view at the entrance of a scene. Each scene has a viewpoint by default tha...

  • Speedernet Sphere glossary

    A Animation The Animation tool allows you to manage the temporality of a scene with the help of a timeline and the event edition. Aspect An aspect is the graphic and/or sound representation of an e...

  • Bug report

    You can access the Speedernet Sphere "Bug Report" via the "File" tab. Then click "Preferences" (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P). The window opens and you can select the appropriate tab. The ...

  • Position the elements with the spherical motion

    The spherical motion allows you to place an object without having to manipulate it. Instead, the spherical resource will be displaced, allowing the fastest way of moving your element in the 3D spac...

  • Create a group and ungroup

    In the "elements" column, you can also create a group of elements. To do so, you just have to select the elements and: Either click on the icon to the right of an item, then select “Create a group...

  • Create a new project

    When launching Speedernet Sphere, the window as shown below allows you to create a new project or resume one that has already been started. Open a recent project: The list of your recent projects ...

  • Edition tab

    This tab can be found on the top left corner of the window, and it allows access to functionalities that facilitate experience building. Note that it also displays the functions’ shortcuts. The ba...

  • Videos

    To add a video to your scene, in the Add Item tab, click "Video" . The video element appears on the Stage with a pictogram representing the video .  In the right column, rename the item.  To defi...