The Animation tool allows you to manage the temporality of a scene with the help of a timeline and the event edition.
An aspect is the graphic and/or sound representation of an element.
Example of an aspect of an image element: The call button of an elevator has two aspects; gray (stopped elevator) and green (called elevator).
Example of an appearance of a sound element: A car is driving but suddenly the driver presses the brake. First, you hear a car driving and then the sound of brakes. This sound element has two aspects (two sounds): "driving" and "braking".
Initial aspect
The aspect of an element at the beginning of the experience.
Cartesian data
The Cartesian data allows to display the coordinates of the elements, and aspects, in the virtual environment. The system also allows to position the elements and aspects.
Conditionals allow you to interact with the elements of an experience by defining conditions and consequences. For example: if the user clicks the grey button, then the button turns green.
Conditions can be used to build "Conditionals", deadlines and events. They define the conditions necessary to perform a user action.
If [Trigger] | Then [Consequence(s)]
And if [Condition(s)]
Consequences are used to build "Conditionals", deadlines and events. They define the consequences of a user action.
If [Trigger] | Then [Consequence(s)]
And if [Condition(s)]
Elements are the objects that compose the scenes. They can be of several types: sprite, sound, video, text, trigger, 3D object and quiz.
Element column
The element column contains all the elements added to a scene. Each scene has its own element column.
It refers to the final result produced by Speedernet Sphere. In a Speedernet Sphere experience, the user moves through scenes and interacts with elements in those scenes.
The export window allows you to export your project as a finished experience. Exporting a project generates a folder that contains all the elements needed to host the experience for broadcast.
This top bar summarizes the scenes of the experience and allows to add more scenes.
Media can be associated to a scene (as a panorama) or to an element (as an aspect).
Existing media
It is the media already present in the project which you can find via the "Media Manager".
Media manager
The "Media Manager" tool allows you to manage all the media in a project. It represents the media library of a project.
Composition mode
It allows element edition to enrich a scene. The "Composition" mode is used to position the elements in the virtual environment.
3D view mode
This mode allows a free camera movement in the virtual environment.
360° view mode
This mode places the camera in the first-person viewpoint in a 360° experience. It allows you to get a preview of the final rendering of your experience.
This feature allows you to manage the transparency of an element or of an aspect in the virtual environment.
The "Panorama" is the visual support of a scene. Generally, a panorama is 360°.
360° Panorama image
A .jpg or .png panorama
360° video panorama
A .mp4 panorama
The position of the element or of an aspect in the virtual environment.
They allow you to set up a number of options and access certain information to best adjust Speedernet Sphere to the needs and habits of its users.
A project refers to a Speedernet Sphere experience while it is still being edited in the Speedernet Sphere software.
Properties are the settings of elements (aspects and states). The "Properties" tool is the tool for defining these settings.
The "Rotation" tool allows the movement of an element or an aspect around its axis in the virtual environment.
The scale allows to manage the size of the element or aspect in the virtual environment.
Scenes represent different chapters, sequences or locations of an experience.
Dynamic scene
The "Dynamic Scenes" allow the user to move inside the virtual environment, while keeping his 360° field of action.
Initial scene
The scene where the experience begins.
Static scene
The "Static Scenes" place the user in the center of the virtual environment. He can move his field of vision and action to 360°.
States are the characteristics of an element. These characteristics depend on the type of the element.
Initial state
The state of an element at the beginning of the experience.
Interactivity state
The element state characteristic that defines whether the element is interactive (clickable or not).
Reading state
The element state characteristic that defines whether an element is played once, in a loop, is paused or does not play (stop).
Visibility state
The element state characteristic that allows you to define whether the element is visible or invisible.
Triggers are used to build "Conditionals", deadlines and events. Triggers are defined by a "click", an "end of reading", a change of state or a change of aspect.
If [Trigger] | Then [Consequence(s)]
And if [Condition(s)]
Viewpoint (initial)
Viewpoints allow you to define the user view at the entrance of a scene.
Virtual environment
The virtual environment is the space that represents the final experience and allows the elements to be positioned. It is composed of two view modes: "Static View" and "Dynamic View".
It is the volume of the element or of the aspect in the virtual environment.
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