Exporting and importing an interactive system allow you to save time and increase productivity.
When you create an interactive system*, you can export it and then import it into another experience.
Export an interactive system
To export an interactive system, select the corresponding element(s) in the "Elements" column of the scene.
To select several elements in the column, use the keyboard shortcuts "Shift + click" or "Ctrl + click".
Once the elements have been selected, click on the "File" tab and then on "Export to an interactive system".
A new window called "Create an interactive system" opens. In the first field, enter a name for your interactive system so that you can find it easily among your files.
In the next field, enter the location of the export file for the interactive system if the link entered does not suit you.
Then click on "Confirm".
The interactive system export file will be saved with the extension .sphx.
You can proceed in the same way for each scene.
Import an interactive system
To import an interactive system, click on the "File" tab and then on "Import an interactive system".
Choose the corresponding file from your file explorer.
A new window called "Choose scene" opens. Select the scene into which you wish to place your interactive system, then "Confirm".
The interactive system is added to the "Elements" column of the selected scene, as a group with the associated element(s) and implication(s).
*Interactive system: set of elements linked by implications.
See you soon for the next tutorial!
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