In this tutorial, you will perform your very first experiment with Speedernet Sphere, a virtual tour that consists of moving between scenes (panoramas). You will need:
- 2 panoramic photos
- 1 image
This video explains all the steps to follow. Below the video, you will find the same steps transcribed to better guide you in creating your first experience with Speedernet Sphere.
Here are the steps:
- Import the media
- Add scenes
- Add elements to the scenes
- Define the properties of the element
- Place the element
- Define the implications
- Test the experience
1. Import media
Start your project by importing all your media through the Media Manager. This will allow you to be more efficient while creating your experience.
2. Add scenes
As soon as your project begins, an empty scene is created. You can add a complementary scene via the “add scene” button on the header (1).
To define the panorama of a scene, you just have to select the target scene by clicking on the icon of the scene you want to modify (2)
Then access the parameters of the scene via the parameter icon (3).
Click on "Define background", then "Add panorama". A window appears.
Select “Existing Media”, click on the panorama you want to use, then confirm.
Repeat this operation for the second scene.
Once the panoramas are defined, name the scenes to better identify them. To do so, select the scene you want to modify and type the name in the dedicated area.
We strongly recommend you to rename the scenes and all the elements in order to better identify them and make your work easier, especially when you have various scenes and elements.
Repeat this step for the other scene.
You can preview your scene by hovering over its icon.
The blue flag on top of the icon shows which scene is the initial one.
If you want to invert the initial scene with the second one, you just need to click the flag on top of the 2nd scene, and the color changes from grey to blue.
3. Add elements to the scene
To add an element in the scene:
- Click on the “+” button on the left panel.
- In the "Add an element" window, click on "Sprite".
- In the right column, the element "Sprite" appears. Rename the element in order to help you find it more easily among the other elements you will add to the scene.
4. Define the properties of the elements
At this step, you have to define the properties of the element: the associated media, its appearance and its state.
- When you hover over the Image element in the right column, click on the "Properties" icon next to the element recently added. The panel now displays the properties of the selected item.
- Click on “Define a media”.
- Name the aspect of the added item if necessary.
5. Place the element
You will now place your element where you want it to be in the scene using the "Spherical motion” mode:
- Click on the element in the right column to select the element you want to move.
- Select the "Spherical motion” mode.
- Move your panorama holding the click to find a suitable location for the element.
6. Define the implications
As far as the interactivity is concerned, in our example, we want the user to move from one scene to the other on click on the image we previously put in our scene.
Here is the procedure to create an “implication” (interaction between elements):
- Access the scenario mode by clicking on the icon “scenario mode” .
- Create a “conditional” (defines in which condition the interaction has to be triggered) by clicking the “+” button.
- Rename the conditional (here we called it “Enter the 2nd scene”).
- Fill in the trigger area by defining the action, the scene and the element we want to become interactive.
- Fill in the conditions area (optional) if you want the interactive behavior to be triggered in a particular condition (for example, it only can be triggered if the timeline is paused). In our example, we don’t need any particular condition for our implication.
- Finally, after having defined the “what/when” and the “if”, you have to define the “then” in the consequences area (what is going to happen when this action is done?).
In our example, we configured the conditional as such: (Trigger) When the user clicks on the image => (Consequence) Then the user enters the following scene.
You can exit the scenario mode and return to the design mode by clicking on the icon “exit” .
7. Test the experience
To test out the implication you just created:
- Click on the "Play" button in the header.
- Then click on "Launch in 360°
Now it's your turn to play! 🏌️
We challenge you to add an item in the second scene that allows you to go back to the first scene.
Tell us about your first Sphere experience by leaving a comment below!
See you very soon in the next tutorial!
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